Tomato-Basil Garlic Bread

Tomato-Basil Garlic Bread

1. Drain, but do not rinse, the artichoke hearts (I use Polar brand). Roughly chop them into quarters.

2. In a small mixing bowl, combine the artichokes, basil, and all seasonings. Set aside.

3. Open the garlic bread and bake it on a sheet pan, (usually at 375-400 degrees F. in a pre-heated oven), until it is warm through but not browned. This should take about 10-12 minutes.

4. Remove the garlic bread from the oven and spread on the artichoke/tomato/basil blend evenly on all parts of the bread. Then, sprinkle on the mozzarella cheese evenly over the top.

5. Return the bread to the oven and allow it to continue to bake until the cheese melts and browns just slightly, (about 5-8 minutes).

6. Remove the bread from the oven, cut into pieces, and serve hot.


