Torta De Laranja ( Orange Torte )

Torta De Laranja  ( Orange Torte )

1. Preheat the oven to hot, 425°F Line the bottom of a 13" X 9" baking pan with parchment or wax paper. Butter the wax paper generously and also the pan sides; sprinkle 2tbsp of flour over the wax paper, then tip the pan from side to side and back and forth to coat both the wax paper and the pan sides with flour. Rap the pan lightly against the counter, then tip out the excess flour; set the pan aside.

2. With an electric mixer set at high speed, beat the 1 1/8 cup of the sugar with the eggs & butter for 5 minutes until the colour and consistency of mayonnaise.

3. As soon as the sugar-egg mixture is fluffy-light, stir in the orange juice, rind, and cinnamon. Pour batter into the prepared pan and bake uncovered on the middle oven rack for 12 to 15 minutes until the surface is richly browned. As it bakes, the batter may billow into alarming "hills and valleys" but this is perfectly normal.

4. While the torte bakes, spread a clean dishtowel across the counter so that one of the short sides faces you. Now sprinkle the remaining 3/4 cup sugar over the towel to cover an area slightly larger than that of the your pan.

5. The instant the torte is done, remove from the oven and loosen around the edges with a thin-bladed knife or small spatula. Quickly invert the pan on top of the sugared towel and, wasting no time, gently pull off the wax paper.

6. With a sharp knife dipped in hot water, quickly trim off any crisp edges around the torte.

7. To roll the torte, lift the front end of the towel up, letting the torte roll up on itself, jelly-roll style. Leave the torte wrapped up in the towel for 3 to 4 hours (the torte will make its own jelly-like filling), then carefully unwrap.

8. To serve, slice the torte about 3/8in thick and slightly on the bias. Allow 2-3 slices per serving.


