Traditional British Mothering Sunday Simnel Cake

Traditional British Mothering Sunday Simnel Cake

1. CHECK LIST: a sifter, nest of bowls, food processor or electric beater, spatula, wooden spoon, 24 cm round cake tin, baking paper, brown paper and twine, rolling pin, thin metal skewer.

2. STAGE 1.

3. To make your own almond paste you will need a food processor fitted with a steel blade. Don't be tempted to use store-bought almond paste because it contains lots of sugar and few almonds, it will turn to liquid under the grill.

4. Place icing sugar and almonds in food processor bowl. Process, slowly dripping in egg yolk, orange juice and almond essence. The mixture should form a pliable paste.

5. Set aside a small portion for balls with which to decorate the cake.

6. Roll out the remaining paste into 2 circles which are the approximate size of the tin. Set aside.

7. STAGE 2.

8. Preheat oven to 160°C/320°F.

9. Use a sturdy non-stick cake tub or line the buttered base with baking paper. As the baking period is long (1-1 1/2 hours), prevent the cake drying out by wrapping a double thickness of brown paper around the pan and securing it with twine.

10. Sift flour, salt and spices together, then stir in fruit and peel.

11. Cream butter and sugar thoroughly until light and creamy then beat in eggs one at a time, until the mixture is fluffy. (Reserve a drop of egg yolk for brushing over top layer of almond paste.).

12. Stir flour and fruit into creamed mixture (you may need to add a little milk to give the mixture a dropping consistency).

13. STAGE 3.

14. Place half the mixture into a greased and lined cake tin.

15. Place one pre-rolled round of almond paste over the top.

16. Cover with remaining cake mixture. Before baking the cake, give the pan of mixture a sharp tap on to a firm surface. This settles the mixture and prevents holes from forming in the cake.

17. Bake in the centre of the oven for 1-1 1/4 hours or until a thin metal skewer inserted in the centre of the cake comes out without a trace of stickiness.

18. Level the cake by placing a weighted plate on top of the cooked cake while it is still hot.

19. Turn out cake on to a wire rack after leaving it to settle in the cake tin for between 10 and 15 minutes. Peel off paper and leave to cool completely.

20. STAGE 4.

21. Cover the top of the cake with a second round of almond paste. Roll 11 small balls of paste and place evenly around the top of the cake. Brush the top with a little beaten egg and very lightly brown under the grill until the almond paste turns light golden brown.

22. Remove and leave to cool.


