Traditional Scottish Sherry Trifle

Traditional Scottish Sherry Trifle

1. Prepare custard according to package directions OR prepare homemade custard as follows: Whisk together the egg yolks, sugar and vanilla essence until pale and creamy.

2. Heat the milk and cream together in a saucepan until boiling point then stir into the egg mixture.

3. Once it is well blended, return to the pan and stir continuously over a low heat until the custard thickens.

4. Pour into a dish and set aside to cool.

5. Place the sponge in the base of a large glass bowl and spread with the raspberry jam.

6. Mix the sherry and the Drambuie and sprinkle evenly over the sponge allowing it to soak inches.

7. Next add a layer of raspberries and sliced bananas.

8. When quite cool, pour the custard over the layer of fruit, spreading evenly.

9. Next whip the double cream well, add sugar to sweeten and spoon on top of custard.

10. Decorate with toasted almonds and/or slices of fresh soft fruit.


