Treasures Of The Earth

Treasures Of The Earth

1. Slice the baby corn ears into 1/2 inch rounds.

2. Heat a well seasoned wok over med high and stir fry the onion and carrot for about 3 minutes then add the mushrooms and stir fry for 3 more.

3. Add the zucchinin, chestnuts and bell pepper. Stir fry for 3 more.

4. Now add your corn, seitan, tofu and pineapple. Stir only occasionally for 5 to 7 minutes. The carrot should be crisp tender.

5. Now combine broth, vinegar, braggs, cornstarch and cayenne stir until thoroughly mixed. Push vegetables to sides form a well. Add liquid to center of well. Stir constantly until thickened, then stir well to coat vegetables with sauce.


