Trinidadian Macaroni Pie

Trinidadian Macaroni Pie

1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/gas mark 4. Cook the macaroni in salted water until al dente. Drain and cool.

2. Fry the bacon in the oil until all the fat has rendered, then remove from the pan, retaining the fat. Mix the topping ingredients with the fat, breadcrumbs last. Finely chop the bacon.

3. Mince the onion in a food processor with a little evaporated milk. Mix in the eggs and the rest of the milk, and season. Combine with the macaroni.

4. Stir in the bacon, chillies and most of the cheese.

5. Pour it all into a large, greased oven dish. Sprinkle the leftover cheese on top, then the topping. Bake for 30-40 minutes, then rest for at least 20 more, or overnight to serve cold the next day.


