Tunisian Potato Salad With Cumin

Tunisian Potato Salad With Cumin

1. Steam or boil the potatoes until tender-about 15-20 minutes. I *very* slightly undercook the potatoes for best results. *After the potatoes have cooked, refresh under cold water, drain and cut into cubes. *Note: when I made this potato salad recipe I drained the potatoes, placed them in a bowl to cool until just warm and proceeded with the recipe. After the potato salad had cooled in the refrigerator then the fresh cilantro was stirred in just before serving. I wanted to avoid "cooking" the fresh herbs.

2. Combine the remaining ingredients except for the herb(s) in a large bowl and mix well. Add the potatoes to the bowl and toss with the dressing. Can serve warm; or chill and serve (depends on time of year).

3. Stir in the herbs just before serving.


