Turkish Delight, As Seen On Narnia.

Turkish Delight, As Seen On Narnia.

1. Butter a large shallow pan.

2. Mix the cornstarch with cold water and et it aside.

3. Bring the hot water, suar and orange juice to a boil in medium sized saucepan.

4. Add the cornstarch and water mixture.

5. Simmer for 15 minutes, or until the mixture goes thick.

6. Stir often.

7. Remove from heat.

8. Add rosewater/lemon juice and flavouring (Whatever you choose).

9. Stir in nuts (optional).

10. Pour into buttered pan.

11. When cooled and thickened, (be patient, it may take ovre a day) cut into 1 inch cubes with a knife dipped in hot water.

12. Roll in powdered sugar.


