Turkish Delight (Chronicles Of Narnia)

Turkish Delight (Chronicles Of Narnia)

1. Soak gelatin in one-half cupful of the cold water for ten minutes.

2. Place sugar and remaining cold water in a saucepan and bring to the boiling point, add soaked gelatin and the juices of the orange and lemon.

3. Boil to 240°F on a candy thermometer, or soft ball stage(spoon a drop of this mixture into a glass of cold water and it should form a soft putty ball).

4. Add nutmeats and red food coloring until desired color is achieved.

5. Remove from heat and beat until creamy.

6. Turn into a bread pan that is lightly greased and placed in cold water to the depth of one inch.

7. Let stand until firm, turn out onto board, and cut into cubes. Roll in powdered sugar.


