Turkish Stuffed Chicken Breasts

Turkish Stuffed Chicken Breasts

1. In a pan on the stovetop, fry the mushrooms, spinache and onion until onions are clear. Add the cumin, salt, pepper, dill, and parsley. Remove from heat and add the shredded mozarella.

2. Butterfly the chicken breasts.

3. Spread the stuffing mixture evenly over the chicken breast.

4. Fold each breast over (in half) and brush the outside with melted butter and sprinkle seasonings (sesame seeds, paprika, garlic salt).

5. Pan fry breasts in a good quality olive oil until there is no pink. This will be very quick because of the thinness of your butterflied chicken. You can flip the chicken breast to brown the other side before removing to a plate to serve.

6. The chef suggested serving this with rice that had fresh parsley, pepper, and sesame seeds mixed through it. Yumm!


