Turkish Style Mince

Turkish Style Mince

1. Start by adding oil to a pan on a medium heat and add the onions and garlic. Allow this to cook, slowly, stirring constantly to let the onions soften and colour slightly to bring out all the flavour. This should take about 2 minutes.

2. Once ready add the mince with the chopped bell peppers, cumin, paprika, salt and pepper. Continue to cook this for 6 to 8 minutes, breaking up the mince and letting the water coming from the mince reduce.

3. Now add the tomatoes, tomato puree and chilli, reducing the heat on low with a lid on, allowing the dish to simmer until the tomatoes cook and the dish deepens to a dark red colour. This normally takes around another 10 minutes and to ensure an even cook and the flavours to mix in, give this a stir every so often.

4. At the final stage remove the dish from the heat and add stir in the fresh parsley and add more salt if required. Toast some flat bread and serve with a squeeze of lemon over the top.


