Two Penny Pies

Two Penny Pies

1. Mix together: meat, onion, parsley, thyme, salt and pepper. Moisten with a little gravy or stock.

2. Sift flour, baking powder and salt together. Mix lard and boiling water, and stir gradually but quickly into dry things. Set aside 1/3 of the pastry in a warm place (for example, the top of a double boiler over warm water).

3. Divide the remaining pastry in 6 parts. Roll out on lightly floured board. Form pie shells around bottom of a glass jar or ring tins. You actually want the dough to come up the sides of the jar a couple of inches; it makes for little meat pie type of things. (It has to come up so that it can hold the filling.) Set them on a baking sheet. Fill with meat mixture.

4. Roll out rest of pastry and cut into rounds for lids. (You don't need to come up the sides for this part.) Moisten edges and cover pies, pinching edges together firmly. Trim with scissors. Make a hole in the center of each pie on the top. Brush pastry with milk. Bake 30 minutes or so at 350.

5. Heat stock-gravy and Worcestershire sauce together. Pour it into the holes on top of pies before serving; a funnel would be a good idea. You don't want the sauce on the outside of the pie.


