Two-Way Silverbeet ( Swiss Chard)

Two-Way Silverbeet ( Swiss Chard)

1. Tear leaves from stalks and shred roughly.

2. Slice the white stalks into 1/2" lengths.

3. Boil stalk pieces in salted water til tender.

4. Drain well and then place in an ovenproof dish.

5. Sprinkle with cheese then nutmeg & pepper.

6. Place under the grill til cheese is melted and starting to brown.

7. Sprinkle with chopped parsley (optional).

8. Meanwhile boil the leaves in a little salted water til tender.

9. Strain well then toss with the butter (this allows moisture to evaporate without sticking to pan).

10. Fork lightly then sprinkle over the lemon juice.


