Ukadiche Modak

Ukadiche Modak

1. Filling: Mix the coconut and jaggery together in a vessel and cook slowly on medium heat till the two ingredients are mixed together. Make sure that the mixture retains some of its moisture and does not get overcooked. When the coconut is half cooked, add the cardamom, roasted poppy seeds, and rice flour and continue cooking so that the ingredients are properly mixed together. When the mixture is ready, take it off the flame and keep it aside to cool.

2. Dough for the outer covering: Boil 1 cup of water. When it starts boiling, add the ghee, salt, oil and rice flour and stir well. Cover the vessel for a few minutes and allow the mixture to cook for a while, stirring occasionally so that no lumps are formed. Once it has assumed a paste-like consistency, stir once again and transfer the rice flour paste to a flat bowl. Begin kneading it while it is still hot, into a soft dough. You may dip your hands in oil before kneading to prevent the dough from sticking to them. Do not add any more water to the paste while you are kneading it. The dough should be soft but not sticky. Also, it should not be too dry. Once the dough is ready, divide it into portions and roll each one into a small ball.

3. Modak Preparation: Roll each ball into a circle of approximately 2 inch diameter. Place the circle in your hand and hold it in such a way that it assumes a cup shape. Place some of the filling in the centre of the circle. Make about 6 side by side pinches around the edge of the dough. Bring them together and join them to form a peak. Your modak should now resemble a whole bulb of garlic. Repeat the process for the rest of the dough

4. Steaming: Cover a flat, steel sifter with a damp cloth and keep the modaks on it. Carefully place the sifter into a steamer or pressure cooker (without the whistle) and steam them for about 15 minutes. After steaming, put some ghee on the hot modaks. Serve them while they are still warm.


