Unni Appam

Unni Appam

1. Powder the jaggery to fine pieces.

2. In a bowl, dissolve the jaggery in warm water and keep aside.

3. In a bowl, put the wheat flour.

4. Add the maida, mashed bananas, cardamom powder and coconut pieces.

5. Mix well.

6. Add these ingredients to the jaggery mix.

7. If needed, little water can be added to make the consistency similar to that of the dosa batter.

8. In a pan, heat the oil and using a round ladle, pour the appam batter one by one.

9. Specifically, the paniyaram pan is used for this purpose.

10. Fill the holes with oil, heat and pour the batter into the holes.

11. Even shaped appams can be made with these moulds.

12. Fry the appams till they are golden brown.

13. Serve hot with ripe bananas.


