Upside-Down Banana Cake

Upside-Down Banana Cake

1. Grease a 14cm x 24cm loaf pan, and line the base and sides with baking paper.

2. Making the topping: combine the butter and sugar in a small bowl and stir until the sugar has dissolved; spread this over the base of the pan; cut each banana into 9cm lengths, then cut each banana into four even slices; arrange the slices, cut-side facing downwards on top of the butter-sugar mixture.

3. Making the cake: beat the butter, sugar and vanilla extract in a small bowl (with an electric mixer if you have one) until light and fluffy; beat in the egg until it has combined with the mixture; transfer to a large bowl and stir in the mashed bananas; then gradually stir in the flour and the milk. Once the mixture is thoroughly combined, spoon it into the prepared pan on top of the banana slices.

4. Cooking the cake: cook in a moderate (180°C) for one hour or until cooked when tested with a skewer; allow it to rest in the pan for 5-10 minutes, then turn it out onto an wire rack to cool.

5. Serving the cake: the banana cake can be served warm or at room temperature. Serve with fresh cream or sweetened cream cheese (see SERVING SUGGESTIONS below).

6. SERVING SUGGESTIONS: to serve the cake with sweetened cream cheese, beat 125g cream cheese with 2 tablespoons of icing sugar until the mixture is smooth, and serve in a separate bowl. Sprinkle the cake with slivered almonds.


