Upside-Down French Toast

Upside-Down French Toast

1. Melt butter in 8-9 inch square pan in oven as it preheats.

2. Sprinkle with brown sugar.

3. Lay pineapple slices over brown sugar, spacing evenly.

4. Beat eggs, milk and salt until blended.

5. Soak 4 bread slices in milk mixture until soft, using all of the mixture.

6. Arrange bread on top and pour extra milk mixture over the bread.

7. Bake at 400 degrees for 25 minute or until set and lightly browned.

8. Invert entire pan onto large serving platter. Or with pancake turner, lift each serving and invert onto heated individual serving plates. Garnish with parsley(I never do this though).

9. Good with syrup, bacon, coffee, juice, tea or milk.


