Veal Orloff

Veal Orloff

1. Trim excess fat from 1/2 veal short loin with bone. Salt and pepper rack of veal and roast at 350 degrees for one hour.

2. Remove the eye of veal from the rack, saving the rack bones intact.

3. While the veal is cooking, bring 1/2 quart of milk to boil. Saute 1 pound of onion, diced fine, in 6 ounces clarified butter. When onions are translucent (cooked until very soft) add enough flour to absorb all butter.

4. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes, taking care not to burn or color flour.

5. Add hot milk to onion flour mix and whip until thick.

6. Slice 1/2 pound of Prosciutto ham in small julienne slices 2-inches long.

7. Dice 1 pound mushrooms very fine. Saute mushrooms in 4 ounce clarified butter. When cooked, drain excess liquid.

8. Add julienne of Prosciutto to mushrooms and cook briefly.

9. Add Madeira wine and chopped truffles. Add mushrooms, ham, truffle mix to the onion and milk sauce. Adjust seasoning with salt and white pepper.

10. If mix is too loose, tighten with crushed Ritz crackers.

11. Place empty rack (bones) on platter. Put a generous amount of stuffing on bottom of rack.

12. Slice the eye of veal in 6 to 8 slices.

13. Place the slices, one at a time on top of stuffing. Between each slice put stuffing and shingle the slices of veal. When complete, add more stuffing on top and sides.

14. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese and chopped truffles on top, and bake in a 350 degrees oven for 20 minutes, or until stuffing is bubbling.

15. Serve with Perigodine sauce, which is a standard brown sauce with Madeira wine and truffles.


