Vegan Bangers And Low Carb Mash! (Bangers &Amp; Mash)

Vegan Bangers And Low Carb Mash! (Bangers &Amp; Mash)

1. Preheat oven to 350 and cook sausages in there until crispy (about 20 minutes).

2. While sausages are cooking, on the stove top, take the onions, garlic and saute in a non-stick pan. If onions are frozen -- you shouldn't need to use oil because as the onions melt -- the water will lubricate the pan. (calorie saver!) When they start to stick, start to gradually add in the veggie stock. Reduce heat and simmer.

3. While those 2 things are working, scoop the mashed cauliflower-broccoli on to the plate.

4. When sausages are done, put them on the plate with the mashed cauliflower-broccoli.

5. Add a squirt of brown sauce into the onion mixture (less than a teaspoon) and mix one last time before pouring this onion gravy over the "mashed cauliflower-broccoli".

6. Serve hot. Yum!


