(Vegan) Coconut Curry Soup

(Vegan) Coconut Curry Soup

1. In a large pot, sautè carrots, onions and curry powder (or curry paste) in oil on medium heat for 2-3 minutes.

2. Stir in the green beans, asparagus and mushrooms; sautè another few minutes or until the mushrooms are slightly softened.

3. Stir in the lemongrass puree, coconut milk and vegetable broth. Heat through until hot (not boiling!) for only a few minutes, remove from the stove top* and serve immediately.

4. Garnish soup with fresh cilantro. Season with salt and pepper, to taste.

5. *Remember the soup will continue to cook, the asparagus will start to go soggy and the green beans will turn that unappetizing army green color so DON'T overcook.


