Vegetable Cutlets

Vegetable Cutlets

1. Mash the potatoes along with the bread slices.

2. (It is better to mash potatoes while they are still hot.) Add all the seasonings.

3. Sauté the green peas, carrots, and cabbage in 1 tablespoon oil; cook until tender and dry; mix with the potato mash and make like a hard dough.

4. Make a thin mixture of gram flour (or all-purpose flour) by adding about 1/3 cup water.

5. Take small balls of the potato vegetable mixture on palm of your hand and make into oval or round patties.

6. Wet the patties in the flour solution, roll in the bread crumbs, and deep fry at high heat (cutlets tend to break on low heat) until golden brown on all sides.

7. Drain the cutlets on paper towels.

8. Serve hot with'Mint Coriander Chutney' or ketchup.

9. Healthy Alternative: Instead of deep frying, brown the cutlets in a wide skillet on low to medium heat, using a teaspoon of oil on both sides.

10. Or arrange the patties on a well greased cookie sheet; bake in the pre heated oven at 375 to 400°F for 20 minutes.

11. Turn, adding more oil as needed.

12. Bake for another 15 minutes.


