Vegetable Korma

Vegetable Korma

1. Heat the oil in a pan on a medium heat setting.

2. To check that the oil is hot enough, sprinkle in a few mustard seeds, if they pop the oil is ready. Then add the remainder of the mustard seeds and the onion.

3. Fry for a couple of minutes, then add the chill, garlic and ginger and fry for 1 minute.

4. Add the garam masala, salt, cumin and coriander powder to the frying mixture for a further minute.

5. Add the carrots, then 2 minutes later, the beans then after another 2 minutes add the peas.

6. Stir fry for another minute and finally add the potatoes. Stir for a further minute.

7. Mix in the coconut and 10fl oz of hot water. Cover with a lid and simmer on very low heat for about 5 minutes or until the sauce is fairly thick. The korma should be medium brown in colour.


