Vegetarian "Spinoccoli" Lasagna

Vegetarian "Spinoccoli" Lasagna

1. Cook the lasagna noodles in boiling, salted water according to package directions and drain well.

2. Coat with a bit of olive oil to prevent from sticking.

3. In a large skillet, heat 2-4 tbsp olive oil over medium heat.

4. Add garlic, italian seasoning and crushed red pepper, if using, and cook for a minute or two.

5. Add onion and saute for about 5 minutes, or until softened.

6. Squeeze any excess water from the frozen spinach.

7. Add spinach and broccoli to the pan, and saute with the garlic and onions for another 5-7 minutes or until tender.

8. Season with salt and pepper to taste and set aside until ready to layer the lasagna.

9. In a mixing bowl, combine the ricotta and parsley.

10. Stir in the beaen eggs, parmesan or romano, and season with salt and pepper.

11. Coat the bottom of a 13 x 9 inch pan with about 1 cup of the tomato sauce.

12. Place 4 of the lasagna noodles lengthwise overlapping each other over the sauce.

13. Next, place 1/2 of the spinach/broccoli mixture over the noodles.

14. Then spoon 1/2 of the ricotta mixture over the vegetables and spread to all the edges with a spatula.

15. Grate some parmesan or romano over the ricotta layer, and sprinkle 1/2 of the shredded mozzarella over that.

16. Top the cheese layers with another cup of the tomato sauce.

17. Repeat with the next layer of noodles, vegetables, ricotta, grated cheese, mozzarella then sauce.

18. Top the last layer with noodles, the last cup of sauce, and shredded mozzarella and grated cheese.

19. tap the lasagna pan on the counter to force out any air bubbles.

20. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 1 hour.

21. Remove from oven and let rest for about 30 minutes before serving.

22. Serve with extra tomato sauce and grated cheese.


