Vegetarian Bratkartoffeln (German Fried Potatoes) W- Feta Cheese

Vegetarian Bratkartoffeln (German Fried Potatoes) W- Feta Cheese

1. Boil potatoes in their skins until they are cooked, but not too soft (about 10-15 minutes), then peel and dice them.

2. In a skillet fry the onions in oil for a minute then add the vegetarian sausages or bacon if using it. Remove the sausages and onions from the skillet and set aside.

3. Fry the diced potatoes by laying the potatoes flat against the pan (you may need to use two pans if yours isn't large enough for all of them to lay flat and touch the pan) with oil and let them stand without mixing until they turn golden brown which should be after 3 or more minutes. After they turn golden brown flip the potatoes to the other side to do the same thing.

4. Once both sides are golden brown, add the onions and veggie sausage or vege bacon if using it, mix and then add the feta cheese stirring only once carefully.

5. Once the cheese has melted you are finished cooking the Bratkartoffeln.


