Venison-Beef Cabbage Rolls

Venison-Beef Cabbage Rolls

1. Strain tomatoes to make 1/2 - 3/4 of a cup of tomato chunks.

2. Add chunks to raw meat reserving rest of tomato and juice.

3. Add cooked rice,diced onion and egg to raw meat and mix all well.

4. In a blender puree spices, reserved tomatoes with juice and Worcestershire sauce until well blended.

5. Assemble rolls by placing 1/4 - 1/2 cup of meat mixture in center of leaves.

6. Roll leaf around mixture tucking ends in as you roll.

7. Lay seam side down in 9x13-inch pan.

8. Pour tomato puree over rolls Bake at 350°F for 1 hour.

9. Sprinkle with shredded cheese and bake an extra 15 minutes.

10. *If you use smaller leaves you can make nice small appetizer rolls*.

11. **These can be made in the crock pot as well I'm just not sure of cooking time**.


