Versatile Vegan Tofu Quiche (Even The Crust Is Vegan)

Versatile Vegan Tofu Quiche (Even The Crust Is Vegan)

1. To make the crust, whisk the flour, salt, and onion powder together in a large bowl.

2. Cut in the Earth Balance (assuming you used a new stick and have a 6-tablespoon stick now) little by little, as if you're whittling off pieces, into the bowl.

3. Stir in the olive oil and a little soymilk and knead by hand. Add soymilk as needed to make the dough gather together, and form the dough into a compact ball.

4. Roll out onto a sheet of parchment paper. To make peeling it off easier, pop in the freezer for a few minutes.

5. Lightly grease a 9" pie pan with a little olive oil, about 1 teaspoon or so.

6. Roll the dough into the pan, crimping the edges at the top with a fork. Poke some holes in the bottom and sides with the fork to aerate.

7. Bake at 450F for 10-12 minutes until lightly browned, extract from the oven and let cool while you make the filling.

8. Wash the spinach or broccoli and run through a food chopper or processor/blender to get the finely chopped consistency, until you have roughly 1 cup.

9. Wash the mushrooms and slice them.

10. Put the tofu and soymilk into a large bowl, and beat with a hand mixer.

11. Beat in the dry spices and nutritional yeast.

12. Add the spinach and mushrooms, and whisk in by hand.

13. Pour the tofu filling into the pre-baked pie crust.

14. Bake at 400F for 40-45 minutes or until the top is browned. Let cool for 10-15 minutes prior to serving (or else the tofu will make a watery mess!) Cut into slices and serve. I like to eat mine with some extra nutritional yeast and black pepper!


