Very Different Vegetable Salad

Very Different Vegetable Salad

1. *If you cannot find the small (pickling size) or pearl onions, use a large onion, cut into chunks, and separate the layers so you have vaguely square separate bits.

2. Simmer everything for the MARINADE together, EXCEPT the mustard and olive oil, for about 10 minutes.

3. Add the prepared vegetables EXCEPT the artichokes. Start with the peppers and give them a head start, then add the rest. Simmer until just slightly softened and al dente -- not fully cooked. Pull off heat.

4. Quarter the artichokes and add: heat only until artichokes are heated through.

5. Take vegetables out with a slotted spoon and put into a serving dish.

6. Decide how much of the marinade/cooking liquid you want to use over the vegetables, keepin in mind that the olive oil is still to be added.

7. Pour as much of the marinade as you want into a bowl, and whisk in the mustard and olive oil. Taste for seasoning: it might need more sugar or salt.

8. Pour this over the vegetables, cool, cover, and refrigerate for a couple of hours or overnight.


