Warm Weather Vegetable Pot-Au-Feu

Warm Weather Vegetable Pot-Au-Feu

1. In a large high-sided skillet or, if you've got one, a woklike stir-fry pan, warm the olive oil over med-low heat.

2. Toss in the garlic and cook for 1 minute.

3. Add in the onion and leek, turning them in the oil, and season with salt and pepper.

4. Cook, stirring gently, just until the onion and leek soften slightly, about 5 minutes.

5. Stir in the potatoes and carrots, then pour in the broth.

6. Toss in zest and lemongrass.

7. Increase heat and bring the broth to a boil, then lower heat and simmer gently, uncovered, until the vegetables are just short of tender, about 10 minutes.

8. *You can make the pot-au-feu to this point up to 3 hours in advance; cover and refrigerate; when ready to continue, bring the broth back to a boil, lower the heat so that it simmers, and cook gently until everything is heated through.

9. While the vegetables are simmering, bring a skillet of water to a boil--you'll use the pan to reheat the eggs right before serving.

10. With the pot-au-feu at a gentle simmer, drop in the asparagus and shiitakes; cook until tender, about 4 minutes.

11. Scatter the spinach over the vegetables and cook another 2 minutes, just until slightly wilted.

12. Taste for salt and pepper; adjust.

13. Slip the eggs into the skillet of simmering water and give them just a couple of minutes to warm while you spoon out the pot-au-feu.

14. Ladle the vegetables and broth into shallow soup plates, scatter with chopped fresh herbs, and finish each with a poached or boiled egg; serve immediately.


