Wedding Day Greens

Wedding Day Greens

1. Steam greens until done but still bright green (5-10 minutes). Puree and set aside.

2. Heat oil in large frying pan or wok. Fry potatoes in oil about 5 minutes over medium high heat turning often.

3. Remove potatoes from pan and fry panch phoron in the remaining oil (or add a little more, if needed) until the seeds just start to pop.

4. Reduce heat to medium and add onion and chili and fry until onion is translucent, stirring often.

5. Add next 4 ingredients and fry about 2 minutes.

6. Add back in potatoes and the next 4 ingredients and bring to a boil.

7. Reduce the heat and simmer, covered, about 20 minutes, adding more water if needed.

8. Mash a few of the yam cubes into the liquid to be part of the gravy/sauce.

9. Stir in the greens and heat through.

10. Remove from heat and stir in garam masala.

11. Serve immediately to preserve the bright colours.


