Weetbix Based Chocolate Slice

Weetbix Based Chocolate Slice

1. Base:

2. Crumble the weetbix into a medium sized bowl.

3. Add flour, baking powder and rest of dry ingredients to weetbix and mix with wooden spoon.

4. Melt butter and add to dry mix then mix well.

5. Press into greased lamington/slice tin.

6. Bake at 180c for 15mins.

7. Icing:

8. Combine icing sugar and cocoa in bowl.

9. Add butter slivers to top of icing

10. Pour small ammounts of boiling water over butter (approx 2 tablespoons)and beat with a table knife till no lumps remain. If too runny add more icing sugar. If too dry add more boiling water.

11. Pour icing over slice while still warm and sprinkle coconut over top.

12. Cut while still warm.


