Weight Watchers No-Bake Ginger &Amp; Orange Cheesecake (Low Fat)

Weight Watchers No-Bake Ginger &Amp; Orange Cheesecake (Low Fat)

1. Add the sachet of jelly to the boiling water and mix well. Leave to cool for approximately 20 minutes.

2. Finely chop the ginger and grate off the orange rind.

3. Mix the ginger and the rind with the orange pulp (I always remove every last bit of white stuff I can find, but you can do it to your liking), the soft cheese, the yogurt and the ginger. -- You can either whisk it together for a more coarse texture, or you can fling the lot in a blender if you prefer it nice and smooth.

4. Mix in the jelly (it'll still be very watery).

5. Add splenda to taste (how much you need will depend on a) how sweet you like it, and b) how sweet your orange is, but 3tbsps always seems to be about right for me).

6. Line a non-stick 8-inch cake tin with grease-proof paper and spoon the cheesecake mixture into the tin.

7. If applicable, you can put the biscuit/cereal base on top at this point.

8. Chill in the fridge for approximately 4 hours or until totally set.

9. Carefully tip out upside down (so the base is now at the bottom) onto a serving plate, decorate as desired and serve!


