Whole Wheat And Semolina Flour Pizza Dough

Whole Wheat And Semolina Flour Pizza Dough

1. 1. Add hot water (1 1/2 cup plus 1 Tbs), sugar and yeast to your bread maker pan.

2. 2. Add the three types of flours. Remember: it's the Semolina that makes this recipe unique.

3. 3. Add the salt.

4. 4. Process in the bread maker on the “Dough” setting including the rising time or process as you would by hand, allowing the dough to triple.

5. When finished, the dough will be easy to work and slightly sticky. Rub your hands with olive oil so the dough doesn’t stick. For my use, I divide the finished dough into 4 pieces. Use olive oil to season 4, 9 inches cake pans and press the dough into each pan. Brush additional olive oil onto the top of each then cover the pans and let the dough raise again for about a half hour. You can also divide into two 13 inches crusts or one 16+ inches.

6. Next, prick the dough with a fork to prevent air bubbles then par-bake the crusts for 5 minutes in a 425 degree oven. Place the cooked crusts on a rack and when cool, wrap with foil and freeze for use whenever you want a great pizza or let cool and make them right away! I've tried these not par-baking first but it seems par-baking makes the better "lite crunch" on the outside of the crust.

7. When making a pizza from a frozen crust, thaw the crust first (in the microwave for 12 seconds on high). Place the crust back into the pan, which has again been seasoned with olive oil and also brush the top of the crust again. If you use a pizza screen, brush top and bottom. Apply the toppings of your choice and bake for 12-15 minutes at 425 degrees (less time if using a screen). You’ll have a finished pizza that has a light crunch on the outside and a delightfully chewy texture. When checking cooking time, look for a golden brown edge on the crust.


