1. (ad ingredients: bread = bread crumbs. in Austria you get it at supermarkets. "Semmelbroesel". if you can t find them -- crush dry white bread (eg a sandwich) in a plastic bag. for example with a pan.). 2. (ad ingredients: 0,26 gallons of veil schnitzel (already 1cm (0,4 inch) "thick" sliced) (=800g). 3. Do tenderise meat by hammering on it with a pan. (in Austrian we have special "Schnitzelklopfer" or "Plattiereisen" to do so) In the end it shall be about half a centimeter (so 0,2 inches). - caution! it gets loud! ;). 4. Then salt and pepper each Schnitzel. 5. Heat the oil (or the Schmalz) in a pan. 6. Then turn the meat in the farina, draw it through the slightly mixed eggs and finally put it onto the bread crumbs. Press the bread crumbs onto each side of the Schnitzel so it´s all covered with our "coat". 7. Put a tiny amount of bread crumbs into the oil. when they swim on the surface of the oil: the oil is ready. if they soak the oil up and "fall to the ground of the pan" - > oil not hot enough. 8. so when the oil is really hot (bread crumbs get golden-brown immediately) put as many Schnitzel into you pan, as can be without touching each other. They shall swim in the oil. Often turn them around. 9. We have such a high temperature (and the meat is thin enough), that they are ready to serve as soon, as they are golden-brown. Which can be after a minute or maybe (if you don´t want to go to such high temperatures) 4 minutes. 10. Hope i helped a little and you enjoy the original recipe of a (Wiener) Schnitzel. :). 11. Julia. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------