William Tart (Swedish)

William Tart (Swedish)

1. Glacéd ganache, for a tart:

2. Warm the cream, sugar & glucose. Slightly before the boiling start remove the pot/kettle.

3. Cut the chocolate into small pieces & stir it in the mixture mentioned above.

4. When everything has melt into a smooth paste at ~104°F, 40°C Add the, slightly warned, butter. Stir until the paste is as smooth as before.

5. Cool it if you aren’t going to use it right away. At usage try having it below ~104°F, 40°C, and yet still not too cold.

6. Tart assembly:

7. Instruction video(It's in Swedish): "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-FshQX-chQ".

8. White cake layer will now be known as layer.

9. Cut three layers & whip the cream. If possible use a slightly thicker layer at the bottom for a more stable tart.

10. Add custard to the bottom layer. Don't spread it out to the edge try leaving 0.4 in, 1 cm.

11. Add the middle layer, with the cut side facing the custard.

12. Add a thin layer of whipped cream to, the top of, the middle layer.

13. Add pear bits & spread them on top, into, the whipped cream.

14. Add top layer, mold it slightly.

15. Add whipped cream on top and the sides, creosote, of the nearly finished tart.

16. Put it into a refrigerator.

17. Start to mangle the almond paste so that it's about 0.08 in, 2 mm, thick.

18. Roll the mangled almond paste onto a baking stick, or some other long cylinder shaped object.

19. Take out what you previously put into the refrigerator.

20. Roll out, apply, the almond paste on top of the nearly finished tart.

21. Mold, & cut the excess, almond paste.

22. Pour the, slightly heated, ganache on top of the tart and let it flow out.

23. Stroke the ganache gentle with a pallet.

24. Sweep around the tart until the drip/flow of excess ganache stops.

25. Add the roasted almond, traditionally around the sides from bottom up to about a third to, or half, of the height.

26. Let the ganache become more solid, & add ornaments if you have.

27. PS. English isn't my native language, if you find minor errors.

28. I have no real facts about preparation and cooking time.


