1. Halve the kumquats, discard seeds, quarter the fruits. 2. Put 'quats, onion, garlic, berries and o.j. in a sauce-pan; half cover the pot, simmer until berries pop. 3. Stir in the sugar and chilies (if used). 4. Once sugar is dissolved, bring mixture to a boil; boil until mixture thickens. 5. Remove pan from heat; spoon salsa into hot jars, seal with two-part lids. 6. Process jars in a boiling-water bath for 15 minutes (at sea level). 7. Label, store in cool, dark place; use within 12-15 months. 8. FOR SHORTER STORAGE: spoon into jars, cool completely, refrigerate. 9. IDEA: use smaller decorative jars, add to a gift basket with other kitchen preserves. YUMMY! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------