Wrapped &Amp; Stuffed Grilled Jalapeños

Wrapped &Amp; Stuffed Grilled Jalapeños

1. Heat a skillet on stovetop to medium setting and fry the bacon for about five minutes.

2. In a small bowl, combine cream cheese, cheddar cheese, lemon juice, mustard, salt/pepper, and cumin.

3. Combine well using a fork for the cream cheese.

4. Stir in crab.

5. Set in fridge while you prepare jalapeños.

6. Rinse and then cut the jalapenos in half length-wise. Remove the seeds. Depending on how much heat you prefer, you can leave in the rest of the "guts" or take some or all of it out.

7. Next, spoon in the cheese mixture. Do not overfill unless you want to clean up a big mess.

8. Put the halves back together and wrap with bacon, securing with toothpicks.

9. Grill for about five minutes on each side, or until the bacon has browned.


