Your Search For "Crab Au Gratin" Returned The Following Match:

Your Search For "Crab Au Gratin" Returned The Following Match:

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

2. Follow package directions to prepare linguine.

3. Cook just until al dente, still slightly firm.

4. Drain at once, cool under cold running water and put aside to drain thoroughly.

5. Place in a mixing bowl.

6. Put mushrooms in a small pot.

7. Sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice; add water and place aluminum foil directly over mushrooms.

8. Cover pot with a lid; place on high heat and cook for about 1 minute just until steam begins to escape from pot.

9. With a skimmer, transfer mushrooms to a dish.

10. Reserve the juices- there will be about 1/4 cup.

11. Put flour in a saucepan and stir in a little clam juice to make a smooth paste; stir in remaining clam juice, lemon juice, white wine and reserved mushroom juice; season with coriander, tarragon, black pepper and soy sauce.

12. Place over medium heat and bring liquid to a simmer, stirring constantly.

13. Cook and stir until mixture thickens, about 3 to 4 minutes.

14. Stir in heavy cream, and then parsley and tomato- there will be about 2½ cups.

15. Lightly oil a 6-cup au gratin dish.

16. Add mushrooms to the pasta, and pour half the sauce over the pasta mixture; mix well.

17. Scrape into the au gratin dish and pat linguine into a smooth layer.

18. Gently mix remaining sauce with crabmeat and spoon over the linguine.

19. Sprinkle bread crumbs over top and bake for 15 minutes or until thoroughly heated through.

20. If the top has not browned, slip under the broiler for a brief minute.

21. Serve directly from the au gratin dish.


