Zucchini - Aubergine Bulgur

Zucchini - Aubergine Bulgur

1. Heat the olive oil in a pan and add the garlic and onion, finely chopped.

2. When the onion is golden add the aubergine, zucchini and tomato, chopped in small cubes, and cook for approximately 10 minutes, at low/medium heat and covered with the lid.

3. Add the bulgur and stir well. Add the honey, cider vinegar, orange juice, cayenne pepper and mint, stir everything well and cook for approximately 5 minutes at medium heat and covered with the lid.

4. Add the chicken broth and, stirring frequently, cook until the bulgur is done.

5. Add coriander leaves, and salt and pepper according to taste.

6. Let it rest 10 minutes before serving.


