Zucchini Basil Tart

Zucchini Basil Tart

1. Place the zucchin& tomatoes on paper towels and salt to allow them to lose fluid (15 minutes) Meanwhile heat oven to 350 degrees F.

2. Puree the basil.

3. Add riccotta& eggs, mix (don't puree).

4. Add mozzarella mix until just combined.

5. Line the pie crust with the drained zucchini slices.

6. Spoon the basil mixture over Top with the tomatoe slices, brush tomatoes with oil.

7. Bake 40-50 minutes, after 30 take out of the oven and sprinkle on the Parmesan cheese, return to oven and finish baking.

8. Let stand 15 minutes, garnish with basil sprigs.


