Zucchini Terrine

Zucchini Terrine

1. Preheat oven to 180°C, or about 375°F.

2. Sauteé the vegetables for about 15 minutes in a little olive oil if you like., If not, just cook and stir.

3. In a big bowl, beat the eggs, with the evaporated milk.

4. Add the cheese and herbs.

5. Add the cooked vegetables and salt and pepper to taste.

6. Grease a loaf pan or two, depending on the size you use. I used one standard and had enough for one small loaf pan too. Be careful to leave half an inch of space, I had some dripping problems in the oven.

7. I cooked the small pan for about a half an hour, and the large pan for about 55 minutes. Test with a point of a knife that should come out clean.

8. Unmold while still warm.

9. May be eaten hot, warm or cold. I may serve with a light tomato sauce.


