$1 A Meal For a Week Challenge | Creativity on a Budget | | Pro Home Cooks

I wanted to do something special today, a wild challenge where I only spent $1 a meal, three meals a day for an entire week. The goal of this challenge is to push my limits of creativity and to show anyone out there that thinks they don't have the money to cook and would rather get fast food that it's actually cheaper to do it yourself. This is the welcome intro video, stick around for the journey, follow us on instagram @brothersgreen and twitter: @brothersgreenbk and on facebook as well as here to see updates. I will post a full video of how it went and what I made at the end!

Join in on the challenge, try to see if you can do with me for a week or simply watch along and follow on instagram: brothersgreen twitter: brothersgreenbk and on facebook: Brothers Green
lets have some fun
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