11 Types of Hotpot You Might Never Have Tried | Strictly Dumpling


1. 重庆麻辣火锅 or Chong Qing numbing spicy hotpot.
2. 北京羊肉涮锅 or Beijing Style Lamb Hotpot
3. 贵州酸汤火锅 or Gui Zhou Sour Soup Hotpot
4. 广东粥火锅 or canton congee hotpot
5. 澳门豆捞 or macau bean scoop
6. 粤式打边炉 or cantonese edge furnace
7. 东北酸菜白肉老炭火锅 or northeast sour cabbage, pork, coal burning hotpot
8. 云南滇味火锅 or yunnan flavor hotpot
9. 藏式火锅 or tibetan style hotpot
10. 蛇肉火锅 or snake hotpot
11. 江浙菊花暖锅 or Chrysanthemum flower hotpot

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