Welcome to Stump Sohla, where we use a big ol' game-show-style wheel to try and stump one of the internet's most talented chefs, Sohla El-Waylly! This week, a comfort food made complicated with no modern tools or stove; just an open fire and some incredible willpower. Will Sohla get stumped? Well it's the first episode of her new show, so it's thematically unlikely - but enough of that, let's dig into some Revolutionary-War-era mac and cheese!Sohla's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sohlae/Starring: Sohla El-WayllyDirector: Andrew ReaCamera: Andrew Rea / Brad Cash / Jessica Opon / Sawyer JacobsEditor: Brad CashProducers: Sawyer Jacobs, Kevin Grosch, Jessica Opon, Andrew Rea and Emilija SaxeBinging With Babish Website: http://bit.ly/BingingBabishWebsiteBasics With Babish Website: http://bit.ly/BasicsWithBabishWebsitePatreon: http://bit.ly/BingingPatreonInstagram: http://bit.ly/BabishInstagramFacebook: http://bit.ly/BabishFacebookTwitter: http://bit.ly/BabishTwitter