3 KNIVES GIVEAWAY...READ DESC BELOW! | Video Compilation of 8 Years | Hiroyuki Terada - Diaries of a Master Sushi Chef

We're going to Cuba in 2 weeks for a culinary event and made this video for the attendees to see what we've done in the past, so we decided to get everyone involved and are giving away 3 signed knives.

We're looking for 3 winners, 2 here on Youtube and 1on Facebook; name all well known music artists in this video, NOT THE MUSIC PLAYED IN THIS VIDEO but the people you see in the video. Well known meaning anyone who has performed for large public crowds and has recorded original music and or have their own music videos recorded.

We will announce the winners on November 20th. Contest closes this Sunday November 17. Good Luck and Good Afternoon...!
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