335 Year Old Rice Puddings In Guts Recipe - Old Cookbook Show - Not So Ordinary Sausage | Glen And Friends Cooking

Everyone Was Shocked! 335 Year Old How To Make Rice Pudding In Guts Recipe - Old Cookbook Show - Glen And Friends Cooking - Food History with some Not So Ordinary Sausage.

The recipe today on the old cookbook show is from the 1658 cookbook written by Robert May called 'The Acompliſht Cook'. This old cookbook is considered to be a pivotal work in the advancement of cooking in the late 1600s, the recipes reflect how the aristocracy was living and eating. This pudding in a sausage casing, seems odd today, but in the 1600s lots of foods were cooked in sausage sausage casings. Looking at old cookbooks and classic recipes is a great way of tasting history in your own kitchen.

The Recipe:
Boil half a pound of rice with three pints of milk, and a little beaten mace, boil it until the rice be dry but never ſtir it, if you do, muſt ſtir it continually, or elſe it will burn, pour your rice into a cullender or ſtrainer, that the moiſture may run clean from it, then put to it ſix eggs, (put away the whites of three) half a pound of ſugar, a quarter pint of roſe-water, a pound of currans, and a pound of beef-ſeut ſhred ſmall; ſeaſon it with nutmeg, cinamon, and ſalt, then dry the ſmall gut of a hog, ſheep or beefed, and being finely cleanſed for the purpoſe, ſteep and fill them, cut the guts a foot long, and fill them three quarters full, tie both ends together, and put them in boiling water, a quarter of an hour will boil them.

½ the recipe as I made it:
115g rice
850 mL milk
1 mL (¼ tsp) mace
3 eggs (2 whole one yolk)
115g ſugar
70 mL roſe water
225g ſuet
2 mL (½ tsp) nutmeg
2 mL (½ tsp) cinnamon
2 mL (½ tsp) ſalt
1 beef bung

If you are interested in Ambergris check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN1brVnlBZU

#LeGourmetTV #GlenAndFriendsCooking #OldCookbookShow

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Welcome friends welcome back to the kitchen welcome back to Sunday morning and the old cookbook show. Today we're going to do a recipe out of the oldest cookbook that I own, and that's this one; this is the Accomplished Cook written by a guy named Robert May and this was first published in 1660 in England. I have a fifth edition copy published in 1685, and my copy is in not so great condition, it has been rebound the end boards are original but the spine is brand new and there were a couple of pages missing in the middle. Whoever rebound it replaced those pages but made it very obvious that they're replacement pages so you're not trying to fool anybody. The pages that were missing from this book were probably the most interesting ones in the entire book which is why they were missing they are the ones with drawings of how to decorate your pies.
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