5 Seeds Bread | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

Freshly baked bread with the goodness of 5 healthy seeds.



1 tablespoon sunflower seeds
1 tablespoon lemon seeds
1 tablespoon flax seeds
1 tablespoon white sesame seeds
1 tablespoon onion seeds
2 cups whole wheat flour
2 cups refined flour
Butter for greasing + for brushing
20 grams fresh yeast
A pinch castor sugar
1 teaspoon salt
20 grams milk powder
Milk as required


1. Preheat oven at 180ºC. Grease a baking tray with some butter.
2. Take yeast in a bowl. Add castor sugar and some warm water, mix and set aside to activate.
3. Sift together wheat flour and refined flour in a bowl. Add salt and mix well. Add milk powder and mix well.
4. Create well in the centre, add activated yeast and mix well. Add sufficient water and knead into a soft dough.
5. Dust worktop with some refined flour, place the dough and knead again.
6. Dust a bowl with some refined flour, place the prepared dough in it, cover with damp muslin cloth and set aside for 20-25 minutes.
7. Dust worktop with some refined flour, place the dough and knead well. Brush the dough with butter and knead again.
8. Roll out the dough into an oval shape. Bring the sides of the dough overlapping each other. Place the prepared bread dough upside down on the greased baking tray, cover with damp muslin cloth and set aside to prove for 20-25 minutes.
9. Brush the bread dough with some milk. Sprinkle some sunflower seeds, lemon seeds, flax seeds, white sesame seeds and onion seeds on the dough. Create few insertions on top.
10. Put the tray in the preheated oven and bake for 15-20 minutes.
11. Brush some melted butter over the baked bread and serve.

Preparation Time: 60-70 minutes
Cooking Time: 15-20 minutes

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Best cooked in Wonderchef Kitchenware.
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Cuisine - Fusion
Course - bread
Dish - bread
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