80 Years Old Famous Bun Maska at Begum Bazar | Bun Malai | Kesar Doodh | Chattu Ram Yadav Milk Shop | Street Food Zone

80 Years Old Famous Bun Maska at Begum Bazar | Bun Malai | Kesar Doodh | Chattu Ram Yadav Milk Shop
Hyderabad street Food
Begum Bazar Street Food
Indian Street Food Tour 2021
one of the famous and oldest milk products shop in twin cities
maska bun making
malai bun making
yumm kesari doodh
special lassi
Chattu Ram Yadav Milk Shop
Gowsala Nagar, Chudi Bazaar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500012
Phone: 090000 43153

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#chatturamyadav #bunmaska #malaibun
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