No Bake Tiramisu Dessert Recipe by SooperChef

No Bake Tiramisu is here to treat you with ultimate sweetness this weekend. This creamy delight made with Candi Biscuits is so easy that anyone can make it like a pro. Try out this No Bake Easy to Make Tiramisu Dessert and share your feedback with us.

#NoBakeTiramisu #Candi #SooperChef

0:00 Intro
0:15 Mascarpone Cheese Preparation
0:37 Egg Custard Preparation
1:04 Coffee Syrup Preparation
1:13 Candy Biscuit Preparation
1:19 Assembling

Tiramisu Dessert
Ingredients for Mascarpone Cheese:
Cream 1 cup
Lemon juice 1 tbsp

Ingredients for Egg Custard:
Egg yolks 6
Sugar 1/2 cup

Ingredients for Mascarpone Cream:
Mascarpone cheese
Egg yolk custard 1 cup
Whipped cream 1 cup

Ingredients for Coffee Syrup:
Hot water 1 cup
Coffee powder 1 tbsp

Ingredients for Assembling:
Mascarpone Cream
Candi biscuits (crushed) as required
Coffee syrup 16-18
Cocoa powder as required

Directions for Mascarpone Cheese Preparation:
1. In a pan heat cream and cook it for 1-2 mins, now add lemon juice and cook until curdles. Transfer it in to a muslin cloth and tie the knot. Hang it overnight. Set aside.
Directions for Egg Custard Preparation:
2. In a bowl add egg yolks, sugar and whisk it well.
3. Now let it cook on double boiler for 5-7 mins. Whisk continuously while cooking. Set aside.
Directions for Mascarpone Cream Preparation:
4. In a bowl add mascarpone cheese and egg custard and beat it well. Now add whipped cream and mix it well. set aside.
Directions for Coffee Syrup Preparation:
5. Now take 1 cup hot water and add coffee powder in it. Mix it well. set aside.
Directions for Assembling:
6. In a bowl add Candi Biscuits and crush them well. set aside.
7. Now in a glass add crushed Candi Biscuits, pour coffee syrup and top it with a Mascarpone Cream. Create 2-3 layers like this. Sprinkle it with cocoa powder and add Candi Biscuit on top.
8. Your Tiramisu Dessert is ready.
Prep time: 20-30 mins
Cooking time: 10-15 mins
Servings: 3-4
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