#StayAtHomeThe Neverland feast from Hook holds a special place in all our hearts, memories, and "You're a 90s Kid If..." lists on Buzzfeed. I've been resisting making the neon-colored pies, despite their being hotly requested, for some time - namely because I think they're just pie shells filled with whipped cream. But this week, more than most weeks, we're using our imaginations!Recipe: https://www.bingingwithbabish.com/recipes/imaginary-pie-hookMusic: "XXV" by Broke for Freehttps://soundcloud.com/broke-for-freeMy playlist of preferred cooking tunes, Bangers with Babish! https://spoti.fi/2TYXmiYBinging With Babish Website: http://bit.ly/BingingBabishWebsiteBasics With Babish Website: http://bit.ly/BasicsWithBabishWebsitePatreon: http://bit.ly/BingingPatreonInstagram: http://bit.ly/BabishInstagramFacebook: http://bit.ly/BabishFacebookTwitter: http://bit.ly/BabishTwitter