Calzones for the Festive mood! | Sujan Fun Kitchen

#SujanFunKitchen presents the final recipe for the year 2019! As always, the recipe is #EasyAndHealthy

Calzones, stuffed with goodness of the most interesting vegetables, and of course, the paneer cheese rush to add the extra zest to the Calzones. I have added an Indian twist to the Italian recipe of the Calzones.


Ingredients for Calzones dough:

All-purpose flour/wheat flour - 2 cups

Instant yeast - 2 tsps

Sugar - 1 tsp

Butter - 1 tbsp

Salt - ½ tsp

Method for Calzones dough:

In a bowl, add the yeast

To the yeast, add sugar

Now, add ½ cup of lukewarm water and mix well

Close with a lid for 10 or 15 mins or till the yeast mix is proved or foamy

Now add the yeast mix to the flour adding salt and butter too

Make a soft and sticky dough

Allow the Calzones dough to rest for an hour or till dough becomes double

Meanwhile proceed to make Calzones filling

Ingredients for Calzones filling:

Olive oil/butter - as reqd

Chopped Onions - 1 medium

Chopped Green chillies - 2

Grated Ginger - ½ inch

Cumin seeds - 1 tsp

Finely chopped Cabbage - ¼ cup

Finely chopped carrots - ¼ cup

Finely chopped spinach - ½ cup

Corn - ¼ cup

Finely chopped beans - ¼ cup

Finely chopped capsicum - ¼ cup

Grated paneer - ½ cup

Tomatoes puree of 2 medium tomatoes

Mozrella cheese or any cheese - ¼ cup or as reqd

Turmeric powder - ¼ tsp

Garam masala - 1 tsp

Chat masala - ½ tsp

Pasta/Pizza sauce - ¼ cup

Salt to taste

Method to make Calzones Stuffing:

Heat oil/butter in a pan

Splutter cumin seeds

Now add the chopped onions and saute till translucent

Add the grated ginger and green chillies and stir-fry

Now, add all chopped vegetables oneby one till everything is cooked, yet crunchy

Add salt while cooking the vegetables

Finally add the tomatoes puree and cook together

Add the garam masala powder and chat masala and stir cook

Cook till the vegetables mix looks thick

Add the grated paneer and cheese and toss everything together over medium flame

Allow the Calzones vegetables filling to come to room temperature

Method to assemble the Calzones

Knock out the air from the doubled Calzones dough

Divide into even-sized balls

Roll out each one into a disc 

Stuff with some vegetables filling

Fold over and seal the edges

Press the sealed edge with a fork to design

Poke on the top lightly to avoid bursting of the Calzones while baking

Brush lightly the top of the Calzones with butter

Place the Calzones in a baking tray

Preheat oven to 250°C

Bake the Calzones for 10 mins or till golden on top

Serve with lots of tomato sauce or ketchup
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